Cyclodiathermy Non-perforating

Cyclodiathermopuncture (CDP) refers to electropuncture methods of treatment and is one of the most common methods of treatment. This treatment method involves influencing biologically active points (BAP) on the human body using electric current.

One important aspect of CDP is using the right equipment. A blunt-ended round electrode without perforating the sclera avoids damage to eye tissue and provides a more accurate effect on BAP.

In addition, non-perforating CDP can be used to treat many diseases, such as migraine, neuralgia, nerve inflammation, back and neck pain, as well as to improve the general condition of the body.

However, like any other treatment method, CDP requires a professional approach and correct technique. Therefore, if you decide to use this treatment method, it is recommended that you consult an experienced specialist who will help you choose the right type of electrode and determine the optimal power and frequency of current for your case.

Overall, non-perforating cyclodiathermopuncture is an effective treatment method for many diseases of the eye and body, which can be used to improve health and quality of life. However, before using this treatment method, you must consult your doctor and choose the right way to perform the procedure.

**Cyclodiathermoexpulsion** is an eye surgical technique that is used to widen the narrowed peripheral angle of the anterior chamber by enlarging and forcing the cornea back with a constant low-frequency current. Unlike classical dilation eye surgery, which is usually understood as mechanical dilatation of the peripheral parts of the cornea, cyclic current generates electrical energy in the cornea.

The eye consists of parts:

* eyeball - the environment within which all parts of the eye are located * external membrane - this includes the skin and eyelids * internal membrane - uveal tract * (uvea)*

The uveal tract is also called the retina, since it is the very element of the eye that is responsible for seeing the world around it. The uveal substance also refers to the outer lining of the eye. The anterior chamber (FKC) is the part of the uveal substance located between the iris and the root of the fibrous pupillary ring. The anterior chamber contains the vitreous body (accommodator) and the lens. The cyclodielectrom has two channels of electric current: one passes through the cornea itself; the second channel projects the effect onto the plane of the corneal surface perpendicular to the electrode (you can see this channel in the photo). An effective and significant expansion of the peripheral part of the cornea is formed immediately after the end of exposure to high-frequency electric current, as well as during the exposure itself.