The cylinder

Cylindroma: A Rare Skin Disease

Cylindroma, also known as cylindromatosis or cylindromatous epithelial tumor, is a rare form of skin tumor. It belongs to the group of dermal adenoxanguinocretic tumors and is characterized by the formation of multiple tumors that most often appear on the face, neck or scalp.

This term was coined to describe tumors that are cylindrical or oval shaped. Cylindroma usually appears as smooth, spherical or oval nodules that vary in size. The color of tumors can vary from pigmented to colorless.

A cylinder is often considered a benign tumor, but in rare cases it can become malignant. The causes of its occurrence are not fully understood, but genetic factors are believed to play a role in its development. Although cylindroma can appear at any age, it is most often diagnosed in people between 40 and 60 years of age.

Cylindroma tumors can be slow growing and usually do not cause pain or discomfort. However, their presence can be cosmetically unpleasant, especially if they are in visible