Cirrhosis of the Liver Monolobar

Monolabar cirrhosis of the liver

The monolabar form of liver cirrhosis is an extremely rare type of disease. Based on clinical observations and case histories of patients characterized by single fibrous liver tissue. Most often, juvenile cirrhosis of the liver caused by hemochromatosis manifests itself in a monolabar form. That is why it began to be called Wilson's disease, in honor of the famous English doctor who first described the clinical picture of the disease. The second type of monolabarial cirrhosis disease is viral hepatitis; all of their varieties have this feature. Also, in rare cases, doctors note the appearance of the disease in patients suffering from alcoholism or abuse of fatty foods. It is noteworthy that absolutely all cases of monolabar are either congenital defects or a disease acquired in adulthood. Near