Pulmonary Cirrhosis Muscular

Pulmonary cirrhosis is a chronic disease characterized by disruption of the normal structure and function of lung tissue caused by various damaging factors of an infectious, allergic, toxic or idiopathic nature with the participation of immune mechanisms. The cirrhotic process covers all anatomical structures that make up the lobe, but the predominant involvement of various structures determines the nature of the lesion.

Subcutaneous course of p.muscular pulmonis (muscularis pulmonis) - fatty necrosis of the interlobar septum of the lung, located between its proximal part and the dome of the diaphragm. There are (according to A.N. Bakuleva) distal and proximal end P.p.oipraxma - 3. Treatment. Rest the patient: bed rest for 2-3 weeks. After the temperature has normalized and acute symptoms have disappeared, an alkaline diet, fruit juices, and almonds are prescribed. In 4


Cirrhosis of the lung (phlebitis of the pulmonary vein) is a chronic lesion of the blood vessels in the lungs, caused by their inflammation and necrosis of the muscular layer of their wall, as well as the walls of the pulmonary veins.

Ts. l. is of greatest importance. M. caused by syphilis: we are talking about the so-called scrofulous-venereal pneumosclerosis. C. l., caused by a specific infection, is one of the manifestations of secondary syphilis. Along with widespread crescentic fibrosis of pulmonary tissue of tuberculous etiology