Cirrhosis of the Liver Decompensated

Liver decompensation cirrhosis is a serious disease that requires timely treatment and care. In this article we will look at what cirrhosis of the liver is, how it manifests itself, what complications it can cause and how to prevent its development.

Cirrhosis is a chronic inflammatory lesion of the liver, in which it occurs

Liver cirrhosis is an irreversible damage to the liver parenchyma, leading to structural and functional changes inside and outside the hepatic lobules. There are three stages of the disease (primary process, development of portal hypertension syndrome, liver failure or complications of cirrhosis - infections, bleeding from the cervical vein and ascites). The main reason why there is

Liver cirrhosis is a chronic disease in which normal liver tissue is replaced by connective tissue. The process develops over many years, and at the initial stages there is little evidence of itself. At this stage there are no symptoms, but serious structural changes have already occurred. As a rule, cirrhosis is detected in the following stages: decompensation and knotweed.

Decompensation refers to a condition when the liver cannot cope with its functions and is under severe stress. The disease mainly manifests itself as jaundice, manifested by yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes, and rarely by blood eosinophilia. Characterized by severe pain in the right hypochondrium - symptoms of cirrhosis at the final stage. Cirrhosis decompensation requires immediate hospitalization of the patient. Depending on the condition of the liver and other concomitant diseases, the patient’s length of stay in the hospital will vary greatly, and if the disease progresses, the person may die.