Cis Position

Cis position is one of the basic concepts in genetics. It describes the location of two or more genes on the same chromosome. This position may be associated with various biological processes such as transcription, translation, regulation, etc.

Cis positions can be either favorable or unfavorable for the development of the organism. For example, genes located on one side of the centromere can interact with each other and influence the development of the organism. On the other hand, genes located on opposite sides of the centromere may have opposite effects and lead to different diseases.

To determine the cis-position of genes, various methods are used, such as gene expression analysis, mutation analysis, etc. Knowledge of the cis-position of genes can help in the development of new treatments for various diseases and the creation of more effective genetic tests.

**Cis** position or **cis** configuration is a term used in biology to refer to the arrangement of certain atoms in a DNA molecule. This term comes from a Latin word that translates as “on this side” and refers to the location of the elements of a certain molecule on one side of the DNA double strand break. This circumstance plays a huge role when considering the problem of cancer, since some mutations leading to the formation of cancer cells may be associated with disturbances in the cis position, which lead to changes in the interactions between cells and intercellular signals.

Importance of the role