Excretory cystography

Cystograph (syn.: cystourethrography) is a method of contrast X-ray examination of the bladder. Until 1925, a limited (ascending) cystograph and cystogram copy were used, but with the advent of the descending cystograph and the cystoscopic method of examining the urethra and bladder, the examination of the urinary organs quickly became in the hands of specialists the simple, fast and most accessible method for studying diseases and anomalies in men and women , as well as assessment of postoperative results in urology. The development of electronics has made it possible to almost instantly display an enlarged image on the screen when receiving a series of images of the subject and study the urinary tract in dynamics, creating an information database using digital processing of radiographs, which in turn has turned cystography into a kind of independent local telecommunications diagnostic center and made it possible to carry out the study in centers of remote virtual clinical diagnostic research.