Cystoscope Examination

A cystoscope is a medical device designed to examine the inner surface of the bladder and diagnose various diseases of the urinary system. The center consists of an optical system, which includes a lens, an eyepiece and a lighting system, and a housing in which the working part of the device is located - a tube with a hole or cameras, which are viewing windows.

In the cavity of the bladder, the cystoscope delivers the instrument to the right place and allows you to examine the structure of the urinary tract from the inside. Emitted drug

A cystoscope is a device used in urology and gynecology to examine the inside of the bladder and urethra. It consists of a long, flexible shaft that is wired with metal for added strength, as well as an optical system that allows the doctor to see internal structures.

Unlike traditional diagnostics performed using X-rays or ultrasound, cystoscopy has a number of advantages: - Possibility of more detailed examination of the internal structures and tissues of the bladder; Possibility of detecting tumors in the bladder that may not be detected using X-rays and ultrasound; Low radiation dose because there is no need for radiation to penetrate into the body.