
Cystospasm is a spasmodic contraction of the bladder muscle, leading to its periodic spontaneous emptying, usually regardless of urge. It is the result of psychogenic disorders and does not represent a neurological disease. In severe cases, cystospasms can lead to the appearance of extraneous sounds or the passage of urine drop by drop - 3-5 drops for 20-30 seconds. With severe cystospasms, urination occurs at night during sleep. Symptoms of cystopasm: Spasm of the bladder muscles can lead to problems with urination. In addition, cystopusma can cause pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort when urinating, frequent urge to urinate, and even urinary incontinence. Causes of cystopasm Cystopurma can be caused by various factors, including: - Psychological factors: stress, anxiety, depression and other mental disorders. - Physical factors: urinary tract infections, bladder stones, surgery on the urinary system, etc.

Treatment for cystosparsm depends on the cause of its occurrence. If cystic obstruction is caused by physiological causes, treatment may include lifestyle changes, special diets or medications.