
Cytophysiology is a scientific direction that combines a subject-matter complex of knowledge about the state of a living tissue cell, divided into individual histological, tissue units within the framework of a systemic morphofunctional approach, considering them together as systems of differentiated biological objects of different levels of organization. In accordance with the basic postulate of cytologically oriented anatomy, any object is considered, studied and described from the point of view of the boundaries of its immediate material structure.

The current stage of studying the membrane is associated with increasing interest in its ability to move, sarcoplasmic elasticity, and various functional specializations of membranes. The membrane functions in one dynamic mode or another, and sometimes in such a way that it quickly creates large-scale violations of the integrity of the membranes, the functional state of cells, between which a more rigid information exchange is established. This is realized through mechanisms of electromagnetic nature and metabolic methods of regulating the functional state.