
Clasmatodenosis is a rare disease that is an injury to the nerve roots of the spinal cord. Clasmatoderosis is characterized by the absence of clinical manifestations and a progressive course.

The cause of the disease has not yet been established; the disease generally proceeds covertly. Although it is likely that one of the factors may be alcohol abuse or low immunity. Neurologists and neurosurgeons deal with diseases of the spinal roots. Symptoms usually begin gradually and gradually get worse. With clasmatodeshrosis, sensitivity and mobility of the lower extremities are impaired.

Many patients believe that this disease does not require special attention, which is why they often go to the hospital in the last stages of the disease.

Hello! I would like to offer you the opportunity to write an article on the topic "Clasmatodenrosis", the use of Greek in its title. The article can describe the disease, the history of the origin of the term and its meaning. I think such an article will be useful and interesting to readers, especially those who are interested in medical terminology. Waiting for your suggestions

Clasmatodenosis - in science and in everyday life

Problems with the spine in our time In the rhythm of modern life, a sedentary lifestyle, constant stress, physical inactivity, and bad habits are becoming increasingly popular, in which more and more people are faced with problems with the health of the spine and, as a result, are diagnosed with “osteochondrosis.” Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine, which is characterized by changes in the cartilage tissue of the spine. Osteochondrosis is not something to be afraid of, but radiculitis is. Radiculitis is an inflammation of the nerve roots caused by osteochondrosis. If you feel numbness and tingling in your arms and legs, shooting pain in the lower back, then you have radiculitis. It appears due to hypothermia or constant increased load. To get rid of this problem, you will have to consult a doctor for advice. Most often, he prescribes treatment aimed at improving blood circulation and strengthening the immune system. Without the help of a doctor, it is almost impossible to completely recover. There are a great many diseases of the spinal column, and the names speak for themselves: - discogenic pain syndrome. Degenerative changes in the intervertebral disc are its main symptom. - **spondylosis**, that is, sparks