Clostridium tetani

Clostridium tetani (Latin, from clostrum - tight, closed and tetanos, -s - convulsions) is a type of anaerobic gram-positive spore bacteria. The causative agent of wound (tetanus) infection. Contains exotoxin - tetanotoxin.

Although the bacterium is not found in humans, it is a serious infectious agent that can cause serious health problems in humans. Clostridium tetani is soil-dwelling and can be transmitted through soil contact or contaminated food. However, the likelihood of infection by this organism is very low, since it is not a common organism in nature and is not adapted to life in the human body.

Tetanus is an infectious disease caused by the spore-forming bacterium Clostridium tetani. It is an acute neurotoxicosis from the group of infectious diseases that are predominantly zoonotic in nature. Infection