Cocaine addiction

Cocaine addiction is a serious disease that develops with regular use of cocaine and leads to physical and mental dependence on this substance. The pathogenesis of cocaine addiction is associated with its chemical composition, as well as its effect on receptors in the human body.

Cocaine is an alkaloid obtained from the leaves of the ephedra plant, native to South America. In its pure form, cocaine is a white crystalline powder that tastes sweet and leaves a bitter aftertaste. Sometimes cocaine is mixed with other substances to give it different flavors or create a more intense effect.

When used, cocaine affects the body like a drug. The first signs of addiction may appear within a few days after starting to use the drug. Patients may experience increased arousal, euphoria, and a sense of self-confidence. About 6 hours after using cocaine, patients experience a peak of euphoria, peaking over the next 24 to 48 hours.

In addition, cocaine can lead to such consequences as paranoia, decreased concentration, insomnia, disruption of the cardiovascular system and others. The most dangerous consequence of cocaine addiction is death from overdose or poisoning.

Warning for new cocaine users: This experience is not good. It gradually but incredibly quickly becomes a burden, destroying people's lives and undermining the very foundations of their family, professional and social well-being. If you are concerned about your health and well-being, seek help immediately.

Cocaine studies (from “Coca” - plant and “-knowledge”) - the study of coca plants and the cocaine alkaloid they produce, the properties of the narcotic effect - “cocainogenic properties”, inducing euphoria; medicines obtained from it, the “drug addicts-cocaine-smokers” themselves, as well as mental disorders, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, therapy resulting from the use of cocaine, psychophysiological and molecular biological aspects of certain forms of drug addiction.

Coca-salt addiction is caused by the action of the tetrahydrocannabinol group, an essential oil found in the coca plant. This drug is the least common. But despite this, it is known in the circles of drug addicts no less than other narcotic drugs. The effect of coca-salt on the human body: - Cocaine can increase the production of dopamine, norudrenaline and adrenaline, and