Cockroach Symptom

PRUSAK SYMPTOM is not a medical term. There is no description or mention of this in medical reference books.

It is widely circulated as a professional joke. It represents a kind of “wish” for the store pharmacist when purchasing medications, complementing the phrase *“buy a vitamin complex*”. This phrase is translated into Russian as *“and at the same time buy a Prusak in tablets”*. PRUSAK (aka “Prus” or “Prosaka”) is a generally accepted term among some segments of the population of the Russian Federation, which describes stereotypical requests from middle-aged or elderly people to purchase any medicine at the pharmacy.

Title: "Prusak symptom: what it is and how to identify it"

Introduction Today we will talk about the Prussian symptom - a medical term that is used to designate a condition when a person has increased pressure in the cavities of the face and forehead. In medicine, this phenomenon is usually called