
Colitis is an inflammation of the colon. There are several types of colitis:

  1. Inflammatory bowel diseases (eg, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis) are chronic autoimmune diseases in which the immune system attacks the intestines, causing inflammation.

  2. Ischemic colitis - caused by insufficient blood supply to the colon.

  3. Infectious colitis - caused by a bacterial, viral or parasitic infection.

  4. Radiation colitis is a side effect of radiation therapy for cancer.

The main symptoms of colitis: diarrhea, sometimes mixed with blood, abdominal pain and cramps, weight loss.

Diagnosis includes stool analysis, colonoscopy, CT, MRI. Treatment depends on the cause and ranges from anti-inflammatory drugs to surgery. It is important to recognize and treat colitis promptly to prevent complications.

Hello! Here is an article on the topic "Colitis":

Colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine, where the digestive processes are largely completed and excess water and some other substances from the intestinal contents are absorbed. The causes of colitis are varied - microorganisms, nutritional disorders, intoxication.

Signs of colitis:

  1. Abdominal pain and cramps, often before bowel movements.

  2. Diarrhea or constipation, often alternating.

  3. There is mucus or blood in the stool.

  4. General malaise, weakness.

  5. Low-grade fever during exacerbations.

Causes of colitis development:

  1. Infections (dysentery, salmonellosis, etc.)

  2. Eating disorders, food poisoning

  3. Medicines

  4. Endogenous intoxications

  5. Stress, overwork

  6. Allergic reactions

Treatment of colitis:

  1. Diet (mechanically and chemically gentle in the acute phase)

  2. Antibacterial drugs for infectious colitis

  3. Antispasmodics and enveloping agents

  4. Probiotics

  5. Physiotherapy

  6. Spa treatment

Prevention of colitis includes adherence to diet, work and rest schedule, hygiene, hardening, and giving up bad habits. Chronic colitis requires regular follow-up. Timely treatment of acute intestinal infections prevents the transition to a chronic form.