
Colloidoclasia, also known as colloidoclasis or colloidoclatic shock, is a serious disease associated with disruption of the circulatory system. This condition is characterized by the destruction of colloids, which are part of the blood and play an important role in maintaining its basic functions.

Colloids are molecules found in the blood that play an important role in maintaining vital functions such as transporting oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues, as well as recycling waste products and eliminating toxins from the body.

Colloidoclasia occurs when colloids break down and leave the circulatory system, which can lead to a decrease in their concentration in the blood and the development of hypoproteinemia syndrome. This condition is characterized by a decrease in the total amount of protein in the blood, which can lead to disruption of many processes in the body.

Symptoms of colloidoclasia may include a feeling of weakness, dizziness, low blood pressure, decreased circulating blood volume, dysfunction of organs and systems, as well as the development of complications such as acute renal failure, hypoxia and shock.

Treatment of colloidoclasia includes restoration of circulating blood volume and blood protein levels by administering infusion solutions and colloidal preparations. Treatment of complications such as acute renal failure, hypoxia and dysfunction of organs and systems may also be required.

Overall, colloidoclasia is a serious condition that requires immediate intervention and treatment. Early detection and treatment of this condition can help avoid serious complications and increase the chances of recovery.

Colloidoclasia is a serious reaction of the body to taking medications, leading to serious damage to various systems and organs. This reaction can occur in anyone and is one of the most dangerous complications that can occur after taking medications.

The name of this condition comes from the words “colloid” and “klasia”, which translated from Greek means “break/fracture”. The term “colloidoclasia” was first used in medical terminology