Colon Douching

Colon Douching: What is it and how does it work?

Colon douching is a procedure used to flush out the contents of the colon through large water enemas. This procedure can be carried out with or without the addition of soap, as well as with the use of medicinal substances.

Colon douching is a form of colon cleansing and is used for medical purposes, such as before colonoscopy or other bowel tests. It may also be recommended for the treatment of certain intestinal diseases such as constipation, chronic colitis or diverticulosis.

The colon douching procedure can be performed either by a doctor or independently at home. To do this, you need to purchase a special device - a syringe, which is filled with water or a solution of medicinal substances. The solution is then injected into the rectum through the anus using a special end that is attached to a syringe.

Colon douching may be a little unpleasant and uncomfortable, but it can help improve the health of people suffering from bowel problems. However, it should be borne in mind that this procedure should not be carried out too often, as this can lead to disruption of the natural intestinal microflora and other health problems.

In conclusion, colon douching is a procedure that may be recommended for the treatment of certain bowel diseases, but it must be done with caution and only on the advice of a doctor. If you suffer from bowel problems, consult a specialist for advice and treatment.

Everyone knows the concept of the rectum and its importance for the human body. And in general, what do you know about the large intestine? Of course, from anatomy lessons we heard that its length is about 5-6 meters, it performs a barrier function, holding and protecting the body from all sorts of harmful influences from the inside and outside, protecting from