
Colpoceliotomy is a surgical operation that involves cutting the vaginal wall and abdominal cavity to treat various diseases. This operation can be performed alone or in combination with other surgical procedures, such as removal of the uterus or ovaries.

Indications for colpoceliotomy may be different, for example, in the presence of ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, adhesions and other diseases. The operation can be performed under either general or local anesthesia.

After colpoceliotomy, the patient may experience some discomfort associated with a violation of tissue integrity. However, this discomfort usually goes away within a few days.

It is important to note that colpoceliotomy is not a procedure that can be done on your own. It should only be performed by a qualified surgeon who has experience in performing such operations.

Colpoperineovaginoplasty or colposphincteroperineovaginosis is a set of surgical measures aimed at eliminating or reducing prolapse of the genital organs of the female genital tract in order to correct complications caused by their prolapse.

The purpose of surgical treatment. • Increasing the position of the anterior vaginal wall with subsequent improvement in the quality of life of patients and improvement in physical and sexual activity by eliminating prolapse. • Reducing the tension of the ligaments in the perineum. • Restoring the normal position of the pelvic floor muscles and the position of intestinal loops to reduce the incidence of constipation and hemorrhoids. • Relief of symptoms of mixed urinary and fecal incontinence. The second most important approach is to improve the sexual health of patients. However, this issue still remains unresolved and requires further research.