
Colpoelectroplethysmography is a research method that is used in gynecology to assess the condition of the pelvic floor muscles.

The term "colpoelectroplethysmography" consists of several parts:

  1. "Kolpo-" - refers to the vagina (lat. vagina)

  2. "Electro-" - indicates the use of electrical currents

  3. "Plethysmography" is a method of recording changes in the volume of an organ or tissue

Thus, colpoelectroplethysmography is a method that involves recording the electrical activity of the pelvic floor muscles using sensors inserted into the vagina.

During the procedure, electrodes are applied to the skin of the perineum and vagina. The patient is asked to perform a contraction of the pelvic floor muscles, while their bioelectrical activity is recorded.

This method allows you to determine the strength and endurance of muscles and identify disorders of their innervation. Colpoelectroplethysmography is performed to diagnose various disorders of the pelvic organs, such as urinary incontinence, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.

Colpoelectroplethysmography (CEPG) is a method for diagnosing the condition of the female genital organs, which is based on measuring the electrical signals that occur in the tissues of the vagina and uterus during sexual arousal. This method is used to assess the condition of the mucous membrane of the vagina, cervix and uterus, as well as to identify various diseases and disorders in the woman’s reproductive system.

CEPG is carried out using a special device - a colpograph, which is a device consisting of electrodes that are placed on the surface of the vagina and cervix. During sexual arousal, electrical impulses occur in the tissues of the genital organs, which are transmitted to the electrodes. These signals are processed using a special program and analyzed by a gynecologist.

The results of CEPG can be used to diagnose various diseases, such as cervical erosion, inflammatory processes, infections, neoplasms, as well as to determine the stage of the menstrual cycle and assess the hormonal status of a woman. In addition, CEPG can help in choosing treatment methods and monitoring the effectiveness of therapy.

In conclusion, we can say that colpoelectroplethysmography is an important method for diagnosing and monitoring the condition of the female reproductive system. This method allows you to obtain accurate information about the condition of the mucous membrane of the genital organs and identify various diseases in the early stages, which significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment and improves the quality of life of women.