Colporrhaphy According to Lefort

Lefort colporrhaphy is a modern and safe technology that allows you to eliminate urinary incontinence and leakage in women, improve bladder function, and correct related gynecological, urological or proctological problems.

This operation was first developed by Swiss doctor John Lefort and gynecologist Karl Neugebauer, who worked in Zurich. It is designed to help women suffering from urinary incontinence and other related gynecological, proctological and urological problems. During surgery, surgeons use a combination of endoscopic and microsurgical techniques to correct problem areas, freeing the urethra from functional and structural abnormalities.

Why is she so good?

The main advantage of this operation is that it allows you to lengthen the short urethral canal, restoring its length to normal values, which reduces pressure on the bladder walls and improves urinary function. It can also help women control their bladder and combat incontinence and leakage.

How is the operation performed?

The procedure usually takes about