Common toadflax.

Common toadflax

A perennial herbaceous plant of the Norichinaceae family, 30-60 cm high. The stem is erect, linear-lanceolate, curled. Blooms in June - September.

The flowers are orange-yellow, of a peculiar shape with a closed throat, collected at the top in a thick raceme. The fruit is a multi-seeded capsule. The seeds ripen in August - October.

Common toadflax is common in the European part of Russia and Western Siberia. It grows along roads, along embankments, slopes, ditches and in sandy fields.

The medicinal raw material is herbs.

It is collected in dry, sunny weather during flowering, cutting off the tops 10-15 cm long. Dried in the shade under a canopy, in the attic or in a dryer. The grass has an unpleasant odor, which intensifies somewhat when dried.

The taste is pungent, salty-bitter. The raw materials contain citric, formic, malic and acetic acids, the alkaloid peganin, glycosides linarin, linarizine, saponins, carotene, vitamin C, pectin, tannins and other substances.

Flaxseed preparations have a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, laxative, choleretic and diaphoretic effect, and regulate the functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

They are used for constipation and bloating.

To prepare the infusion, pour 2 tablespoons of the herb into 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours. Take 2-4 tablespoons in the evening.

For hemorrhoids, this infusion is prescribed at night in the form of microenemas with a volume of 60 g. After administration of the infusion, it is not recommended to get out of bed for 30-40 minutes.

For hemorrhoidal pain, well-washed and thoroughly crushed toadflax grass or an ointment prepared from the juice of the plant is applied to the nodes.

For diseases of the liver and gall bladder, flaxseed infusion is used in a mixture with sandy immortelle flowers and corn silk, taken in equal parts. The mixture is effective for inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract and bedwetting in children.

Externally, toadflax is used in the form of compresses and poultices for rashes, eczema, furunculosis, lichen and acne.

To do this, 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials are poured into 0.5 liters of water or milk, boiled for 20-25 minutes and filtered.