
Complexometry (also known as complexone titration) is an analytical method used to determine the concentration of metal ions in solutions. This method is based on the formation of complexes between metal ions and certain reagents such as complexones.

Complexometry can be used to analyze a wide range of metal ions, including iron, copper, zinc, nickel, manganese, cadmium, lead, and others. The method allows you to determine the concentration of each ion separately and determine the total concentration of metal ions in solution.

To carry out complexometric analysis, it is necessary to prepare a solution containing a certain metal ion and a reagent - a complexone. The solution is then titrated with another solution containing the chelating agent until equilibrium is reached between the metal ions and the chelating agents. The amount of added solution that must be added to achieve equilibrium is a measure of the concentration of metal ions in the solution.

One of the advantages of complexometry is its high accuracy and sensitivity. In addition, this method allows the analysis of solutions that may contain complex mixtures of metal ions.

However, complexometric analysis also has its limitations. For example, some metals can form complexes with other ions, which can affect the accuracy of the analysis. In addition, the analysis requires access to appropriate complexones and reagents.

In general, complexometry is an important analytical method for determining the concentration of various metal ions in various solutions and is an indispensable tool for scientific research and industry.

Article on the topic of complexometry:

Complexometry is an analytical method that is used to determine the concentration of certain substances in solutions. It is based on the reaction between the substances forming the complex and a special reagent that gives a signal about the presence of the complex. Complexometry is widely used in various fields, such as chemistry, medicine, biology, etc.

In chemistry, complexometric analysis makes it possible to determine the concentration of metals in various solutions, such as alloys, galvanic cells, etc. With the help of a complexing agent, metal compounds can react with certain substances to form a complex (for example, a complex of zinc or copper with hexametachrome). This complex then produces a specific signal that can be used to determine the concentration of the metal in a solution. In addition, complexometry is used to analyze foods, drugs, and other materials that contain metals or other compounds important to human health.