
The problem of protection against pregnancy and STDs is relevant all over the world. An increasing number of people are faced with difficulties in choosing suitable contraceptive methods. In addition to hormonal contraceptives, there are also barrier ones, which include condoms. I want to talk about the most accessible way to prevent unwanted pregnancy - about condoms, as well as how to use them correctly.

Condoms are an effective way to prevent unwanted pregnancy and sexual diseases. The use of such contraceptives is especially important for those young people who are not yet ready or able to be sexually active with only one person. In such a situation, putting on a condom can significantly reduce the risk of contracting dangerous infections.

Types and sizes of condoms. Nowadays, there are many types of condoms, sizes and designs to choose from. This is especially true if young people have pronounced differences in penis size. There are the following types of rubber: standard; light brits, in which the rubber stretches twice as much as usual; extra-thin; ultra-thin; especially large ones, etc. Sometimes manufacturers make different sizes of the same variety. For example, a condom with an increased diameter at medium length may be recommended for men with a larger penis. Condoms are provided for children