
Confabulation is a psychological mechanism for recovering memory by creating a new, more plausible and logical story that contains previous events or details, while eliminating inconsistencies or difficulties in explaining them. That is, a person creates his own story to fill in the gaps and improve the image of events. This phenomenon occurs in people of all ages and in both children and adults. The term “confabulation” comes from the Latin words confabulare – “to chat” and confabularius – “idle talk”. There are a variety of confabulation options.

One of the most common types is partial event confabulation, where a person forgets the details of an event but cannot completely forget the plot. This type often develops after loss of consciousness, especially if it is accompanied by amnesia. For example: You accidentally got hit by a car, you remember the moment of the accident, but forgot what happened before that. Is it possible? Of course available