Convalescent Battalion

Recently, more and more people are talking about the need to revive the institution of serving the Fatherland. The problem is that in our country there are few people who repay their debt to their state, and therefore the topic of mobilization is urgent. Now we live in a time when an unprecedented crisis has begun on our planet, but all this is not a reason to give up.

People simply need to unite to achieve common goals, be it the development of new technology or the conservation of natural resources, and I am sure that the convalescent battalion can become one of such associations. In the ranks of those who have recovered, there is no need to look for other recovered people, because if we all strive for the same goal, then we will succeed.

Today in the country the issue of the health of the nation is very acute, so we must tirelessly take care and maintain the healthy spirit of a healthy person. The problem associated with alcoholism and drug addiction, which have become a common cause of death and disability, must be prevented with the help of people suffering from these diseases. Many of those who recovered have already begun their struggle for the health of the world; they can be called heroes of our time, because they did not give up in the face of trouble and continue to do everything possible to defeat the disease.

Going through rehabilitation after long-term treatment for serious illnesses is a very long, difficult process, and it is especially difficult for addicted people to overcome it on their own. They need enormous support from family and friends, which addicts will definitely help them cope with. But often the patient’s relatives are afraid to admit that he is sick in the current socio-psychological situation, seeing in this something shameful and ridiculous. Therefore, in every home where a person with alcoholism or drug addiction lives there should be a memorial sign reminiscent of this disease. Sometimes this is enough for relatives to understand the danger and decide to fight for the patient with all their might.

Of course, everyone has the right to decide for themselves whether to be healthy or not. A healthy lifestyle should be a conscious choice of every person, and not just a temporary trend that will quickly disappear.