Corals Poisonous

Poisonous corals

Poisonous corals are members of the class of coral polyps, such as sea anemones, which are equipped with stinging cells that produce poison that is dangerous to humans. Poisonous corals live mainly in tropical seas.

Coral stinging cells contain toxins that help them capture prey and defend against predators. Stings from some types of poisonous corals can be very painful and even fatal to humans. Symptoms from contact with poisonous corals include severe pain, swelling, redness of the skin, nausea, vomiting, breathing problems and heart palpitations.

To avoid poisoning when contacting corals, you should be careful, wear a protective suit when diving, and do not touch the corals with your hands. If you get an injection, you should immediately seek medical help. Poisonous corals pose a danger to humans, but play an important role in the ecosystem of tropical seas.

Corals, as we know, are marine animals that live in the ocean and shallow waters. They have their own unique beauty, but some of them can also be dangerous to humans. Poisonous corals are representatives of the class coral polyps, for example, sea anemones.

Poisonous corals have stinging mites called "knipples" located throughout the body of these polyps. Knipples are one of the components of organic poison (toxic substance). Many marine animals produce this poison. Typically, these organisms lay large masses of eggs and plankton, which contain molecules that are lethal to humans.

It is also worth noting that this poison can cause anaphylactic shock in a person, which can have serious consequences for health or even life. People who require certain medications are at risk when using a coral house: symptoms of poisoning appear immediately after immersion in the water. To avoid such toxic poison entering your body, it is best to use protective swimming gear.

In any case, the use of poisonous corals is not recommended. Despite their beautiful shape and color, they are dangerous to humans and should never be collected without special tools.