
Coraxan: Innovative antianginal drug from France

Coraxan is one of the leading antianginal agents produced by pharmaceutical laboratories in France. It belongs to the pharmaceutical group of various antianginal drugs and has the international name "Ivabradine". Coraxan is presented on the market in the form of film-coated tablets, with two dosages - 5 mg and 7.5 mg.

The production of Coraxan is carried out by Servier Laboratories, which are one of the most reputable pharmaceutical companies in France. The drug is produced under the brand of Servier Industry Laboratories, which also specializes in the production of drugs. Thanks to high quality production and strict standards, Coraxan has gained the trust of the medical community and is popular among patients.

Ivabradine, the active ingredient in Coraxan, belongs to the class of sinus node inhibitors and has a specific effect on heart rhythm. It prevents the penetration of calcium ions into the heart cells, which reduces the heart rate and reduces the myocardium's need for oxygen. This action allows Coraxan to be successfully used in the treatment of stable angina and reduces the risk of cardiac events in patients with chronic heart failure.

The main advantages of Coraxan include its lack of negative effects on cardiac contractility and blood pressure, which makes it safe for use in patients with concomitant diseases. Thanks to the ability to reduce heart rate, Coraxan increases physical endurance and improves the quality of life of patients.

Despite all its benefits, the use of Coraxan may be accompanied by some side effects, such as dizziness, blurred vision or bradycardia. Therefore, before starting to take Coraxan, you should consult your doctor and strictly follow the dosage recommendations.

In conclusion, Coraxan is an innovative antianginal product developed and manufactured in France. Due to its mechanism of action and the absence of a negative effect on cardiac function, it is effectively used to treat stable angina and improve the quality of life of patients. However, before using it, you must take advice from your doctor and follow the indicated dosages to achieve the best results and avoid unwanted side effects.