
Title: EXPLORING COROPHILIA: Beware, the psychology of obsession...

Korophilia simply does not exist, although the name looks quite provocative. What is it? Let's try to figure it out.

So, corophilia is literally “love of beauty” or “attraction to girls.” According to some sources: “It is a passion for beauty, but beauty can only be

Corophilia is an unhealthy love for members of the same sex. In other words, sexual attraction to people of the same sex or unlimited love feelings for people of the opposite sex.

Corophilia is one of the causes of homosexuality and transsexualism. According to various sources in the world, the number of people suffering from this disease is from 4 to 6 percent of all gay men. But still, corophilia is a minority problem, and not the main motivation of gays. Moreover, homosexuals make their own choices, realizing their body creation - self-satisfaction, other men or women, depending on their personal interests.

The term “corophilus” itself was coined and coined by Franz Sturzenberger in 2007. The famous porn actor was looking for suitable partners for his work, calling gay clubs throughout California. He didn't expect a call to anyone to ever end this way.

I won’t risk conducting statistics. But I can say with confidence that people with corophilia “catch” diseases such as HIV and herpes, since the level of risk of infection is very high. Sometimes homosexual

Since ancient times, people have tried to define what love is. Each person believes that he knows the answer, but each of us has his own understanding of this word. Love is the feeling that makes you live, breathe, love and be loved. Does this feeling really exist or is it just a fancy word that we use in everyday life? Corophilia is a mental disorder in which a person experiences constant dissatisfaction from contact with the female body. This disorder is accompanied by a deterioration in a person’s physical and mental condition. However, despite this, people can express their love through touching a woman's body and even enjoy it.

When korofi

What is Corophilia?

Corophilia is a psychosexual deviation aimed exclusively at bodily forms of beauty. It consists of performing sexual intercourse and other activities with the object of love only when the latter has a very beautiful body. Corophia is so closely related to narcissism that it is difficult to distinguish them from each other. Both of them are associated primarily with the attitude towards your own body, self-esteem and the assessment of people around you.

Sexologist Kaplon I.B. identifies three forms of corofilia, which can have different social consequences for the object of corofilization. Such differences relate to the conditions for the manifestation of a person’s sexual personality traits.

The first type is passive corofia. A sex person simply allows you to perform any actions with him, where he is simply an object. There are no requirements for the object. He can give his body to anyone as soon as he sees that someone else has paid attention to him. Moreover, they must respond to it. For example, he needs to achieve sympathy and sympathy during masturbation. Other motives, such as wanting to please someone he loves, are not included here. In his head he looks so attractive, but there he is such a freak, but in order to calm him down, they say that he is handsome and that they like him. This is the first version of korofia. Such a person in ordinary life can play the classic role of a sexual victim during rape. Outwardly, he prefers a passive form of behavior. The second type is a strong passive form of corofia, where the object understands its dependence. Some people directly say that they like that they are treated as an object, a passive thing. This also has practical implications for women who are being manipulated to suit their own purposes. Many sex therapists work with women who do not need male tenderness, and they feel good without male attention. They are forcefully taught to demand and want it, sometimes called “demands,” just as in the old days they forced abortions in hospitals. However, corophagy works great for those who need a sense of ownership of things. This type includes a patient with altruism in extreme manifestations. Usually he has a disgusting appearance and sick and ugly children. Nothing else is offered to him other than to be a thing or a tool. "He's just an object to be used."

The third type is aggressive passivity. That is, one object is treated harshly and rudely, and he likes the feeling of rudeness, aggression. This often happens if a man treats his partner as a sexual addict. She is sure that no matter what happens, it’s too late, she will not have any normal relationships. She understands that she is being used, but does not want to fight it and changes her internal structure, “changes the assemblage point,” and thus becomes almost a slave to the object of crude sexuality. Also, aggressive sex addiction can be a reaction to excessive admiration. Then they simply make it clear how much space this person or objects take up. Some objects perceive their partner's every whim and desire as an attempt to humiliate and abuse them, rather than exalt them. Instead of becoming more attentive to other objects,