
Coxalgia is a sharp, jerking pain in the hip area that is often associated with the patella. However, it does not always arise here. In particular, aching pain with coxalgia can be caused by damage to the joint capsule, ligaments, nerves or blood vessels. In addition, the pain syndrome can spread along the front surface of the thigh and knee and radiate to the groin and the front surface of the lower leg. But before moving on to an analysis of the most common causes of coxal pain, it should be recalled that the femur is located in this place. It is she who supplies most of the human body with oxygen and other useful substances. Therefore, when considering functional disorders that cause unpleasant sensations, we cannot exclude the possibility of their system-wide nature. Thus, one of the most harmless causes of pain is a sprain of muscles and ligaments in the area of ​​the leg, pelvis and thigh. Usually there is a lot of pain in this area: after running or in a standing position with a straight back. Most often, patients at a doctor’s appointment explain the appearance of such pain syndrome as follows: “My work involves lifting heavy objects. At first everything was fine, and then the pain appeared.”

Now about something else. The fact is that due to various circumstances, a person may begin to bleed the lip above the knee joint. This happens both with mechanical damage and with inflammatory processes. At the same time, the pain spreads both inside and outside. The late Mikhail Tal is not in vain