Craniotomy Bifrontal

This is what I managed to write:

**Bifrontal craniotomy** is a surgical procedure that involves gaining access to the brain through one of the largest cranial bones - the frontal bone. This surgery is used medically to treat various diseases such as tumors, infections and brain injuries.

During the operation, the doctor drills two holes in the scalp that pass through the front of both temples and the frontal bone. The holes can range from a few millimeters to 1 centimeter in diameter. The doctor then uses a special saw to cut the skull bone between the two holes.

During the operation, local or general anesthesia may be used. The doctor injects an anesthetic into the spine or veins so that the patient does not feel pain or discomfort during the operation. After the doctor receives

Trephination of the Jaws Bifrontally

1. Introduction.

Trepanation is the excision of a section of bone above any cranial cavity in humans and animals for medicinal and other purposes. Trepanate. produced by various instruments—trams. Sooner or later surgery. in people, they begin to be accompanied by almost inevitable complications that develop in the brain not due to mechanical trauma, but due to the penetration of a substance treating the wound and even infected sawdust into it. Since the skin of the facial and cranial sutures easily retains this organism, the number of complications, especially at the beginning of operations, increases. Since antibiotics began to be used, the risk of infection has decreased significantly. Infections are also dangerous because the infection can penetrate into the bones with the subsequent development of osteomyelitis. If the infection occurs in weakened patients, then death often occurs. Slow bone infections develop much less frequently, but even with insignificant massiveness of such infections they lead to complications in the postoperative period. For many years, surgical experience has convinced us of the need to perform trepanation cranially with the head end of the chisel extending strongly backward. This method of preventing complications is the most acceptable. If the cranial edge of the rasp is pressed more tightly to the occipital lobe of the skull, then a narrow cavity separated by the dura mater (“canal”) from the cranial bones can be used. An example of the latter method will be the explanation of the method of opening the skull bones, developed in the author’s clinic. As the end of the 19th century approached, the surgeon K.E. Baer realized the need to use specific antibiotic drugs after operations on the skull in order to suppress the growth of pyuemic organisms that had penetrated the brain. 2. Main part.

As is known, the Kün race is a bilaterally symmetrical neoplasm, consisting of the jaw and facial part of the skull together with the oral cavity. The cranial tree is divided by a lateral bifurcation, which runs near the middle of the parietal bone, into two independent cavities: the occipital and the ocular - anterior. Gravity of the head in the vertical plane is always directed downwards. In this state (as standing,