Crithyroid Ligament

The cricoid ligament is located between the cricoid cartilage and the opposite cricoid cartilage. Weaker than the cricoid ligament, it also connects to the respiratory vocal philtrum anteriorly, but not to the internal vocal philtrum. It is thin, fan-shaped, and ensures such mobility of the ring that it can fall down when swallowing. With the mobility of the larynx above the ring, the area in which the opening of the laryngeal ventricle from the trachea is located is ligamentous, thereby expanding its capacity. Thanks to this, the cavity of the ventricle expands above the finger.

Every time you say hello, do you actively engage the muscles of your neck and vocal cords? Do you want to have a beautiful “chin cavity”, but you can’t manage to constantly maintain a certain pitch of your voice? Look for additional links! Perhaps you have found them. We are talking about only two ligamentous apparatus