Cures For Ovarian Cysts That Work

Cures For Ovarian Cysts That Work


Ovarian cysts are a common condition that affects many women. While most ovarian cysts are benign and resolve on their own, there are cases where medical intervention becomes necessary. Surgical options, such as cystectomy, are often employed to remove cysts that are cancerous, obstruct blood supply to the ovaries, or grow into large abdominal tumors. However, the effectiveness of surgery in curing the underlying condition that leads to cyst formation remains uncertain, as cysts can reappear even after their removal. As a result, alternative treatment methods have gained attention. This article explores various approaches to treating ovarian cysts and emphasizes the potential benefits of a holistic approach.

Alternative Treatment Methods

  1. Oral contraceptives: Women with a family history of ovarian cysts may be prescribed oral contraceptives as a preventive measure. These birth control pills contain hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle and can reduce the chances of cyst formation. However, prolonged use of oral contraceptives may have potential side effects.

  2. Cystectomy: Cystectomy, traditionally used for treating bladder or gall bladder cancer, is now being employed to remove cysts from the ovaries. This surgical procedure spares the ovary while removing the cysts. However, in cases of ovarian carcinoma, complete removal of the organ may be necessary.

The Holistic Approach

While the above methods can provide temporary relief from symptoms and discomfort associated with ovarian cysts, they do not address the underlying cause of the condition. A holistic approach, on the other hand, aims to treat the whole body and considers multiple factors that contribute to cyst formation. By addressing these factors, a holistic approach offers the potential for long-term resolution of ovarian cysts.

  1. Regulation of monthly periods: Hormonal imbalances can contribute to the development of ovarian cysts. A holistic approach focuses on restoring hormonal balance and regulating menstrual cycles through natural means.

  2. Growth of healthy tissues: Promoting the growth of healthy tissues within the reproductive system can help prevent the formation of cysts. This can be achieved through proper nutrition and lifestyle changes.

  3. Fertility enhancement: Holistic remedies aim to improve fertility and reproductive health, which can have a positive impact on ovarian cysts.

  4. Reduction of chances of miscarriage: Miscarriage can be a contributing factor to the development of ovarian cysts. By addressing factors that increase the risk of miscarriage, a holistic approach can help control cyst formation.

  5. Elimination of excess fat in the lower abdomen: Excess abdominal fat can disrupt hormonal balance and contribute to the development of cysts. A holistic approach includes strategies for reducing excess fat through a controlled diet and exercise.

  6. Healthy lifestyle and dietary changes: Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, stress management, and a balanced diet, can play a crucial role in preventing and managing ovarian cysts.


While surgical interventions and alternative treatments may provide short-term relief from ovarian cysts, a holistic approach offers a comprehensive and long-term solution. By addressing the underlying factors contributing to cyst formation and promoting overall health and well-being, a holistic approach can potentially eliminate ovarian cysts. It is important for individuals to consult with healthcare professionals and explore different options to determine the most suitable treatment plan for their specific condition.