
Cystotrachelography: the essence of the method and its application

Cystotrachelography is a medical diagnostic method that produces images of the bladder and cervix using x-rays. The name of the method comes from the Greek words “cysto” - bladder, “trachelos” - neck and “grapho” - to write, depict.

Cystotrachelography is performed using a contrast agent, which is injected into the bladder through a catheter. X-rays are then directed to the pelvis and a contrast agent produces clear images of the bladder and cervix on X-ray film.

This diagnostic method is widely used in gynecology and urology to identify various diseases of the urinary system and female reproductive organs. Cystotrachelography can help identify tumors, stones, strictures and other pathologies of the bladder, as well as determine the shape and size of the uterus.

This diagnostic method has several advantages over other methods, such as ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. Cystotrachelography provides more detailed images of the bladder and cervix and can also be used for some medical procedures, such as removing bladder stones.

However, like any diagnostic method, cystotrachelography has its limitations and risks. Injecting a contrast agent may cause some side effects, such as abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. In addition, the method is not recommended for pregnant women, as X-rays may harm the fetus.

In general, cystotrachelography is an effective method for diagnosing the bladder and cervix, which can be used to identify various diseases and pathologies. However, patients should discuss the risks and benefits with their doctor before undergoing this procedure.

Description: Cystotrachelography - (Greek mouth and Greek rake to shout or speak) is a method of visual examination of the bladder or urethra using urethrocystography.

The cystotrachylogographic diagnostic method is one of the most highly informative methods for visualizing the urinary tract, which allows one to obtain more information about