
Cytolysis is the process of destruction of body cells, which occurs under the influence of various factors. Cytolysis can be caused by various reasons, such as infections, injuries, autoimmune diseases, etc.

Cytolysis begins with damage to the cell membrane, which leads to the release of various substances such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This process is accompanied by the release of energy, which is used to maintain the vital functions of the body.

However, if cytolysis continues for too long, it can lead to cell death and disruption of its functions. Therefore, in order to avoid cytolysis, it is necessary to promptly treat various diseases and injuries.

Cytolysis is the process of cell destruction through spontaneous or induced destruction by physical, chemical and biological factors. The process of colorization is initiated by cofactors (bacteriophages, lytic enzymes), genetic factors, for example, mitotic mutations that can disrupt replication