Dacryocystorhinostomy Endonasal

Endonasal dacryocystorrhinostormy is a surgical procedure aimed at correcting a problem with the external lacrimal sac or nasolacrimal duct stenosis. This method is an effective way to treat tear flow disorders and improve the health of the nasal mucosa.

The surgical technique is simple and quick; it consists of the following: through the nose, the doctor makes a small incision in the skin above the inner corner of the eye and inserts a special endoscope into the internal nasal canal. He then examines the nasal cavity and finds canal stenosis. A sharp rod is passed through the inner canal of the nose, it opens the canal and installs a drainage tube. This helps prevent mucus buildup and pressure in the nose.

The endonasal method is a safe and effective way to treat impaired tear flow. The operation allows the patient to get rid of the underlying causes of the disorder, restore breathing and avoid constant discomfort in and around the nose.

One of the most important advantages of this method is its relatively low cost compared to other methods of lump correction. In addition, the method is widespread and easily accessible, which guarantees fast and effective treatment.