Dalfaz Sr

Dalfaz SR

Country of origin - France, Sintelabo Group France
Pharm-Group - Products for the treatment and prevention of prostate diseases

Manufacturers - Sanofi Winthrop Industry (France), Sintelabo Group (France)
International name - Alfuzosin
Synonyms - Dalfaz, Dalfaz retard
Dosage forms - extended release tablets 10mg, extended release tablets 10mg, extended release tablets 10g
Composition - Active substance - alfuzosin.

Indications for use - Symptomatic treatment of dysuria (both irritative and obstructive manifestations) caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia (including when surgical treatment is impossible or rapid progression of the disease in elderly patients).

Contraindications - Hypersensitivity, orthostatic hypotension (history), simultaneous use of other alpha-blockers.

Side effects - Headache, dizziness, tinnitus, weakness, drowsiness, asthenia, orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, exacerbation of angina symptoms (in patients with ischemic heart disease), dry mouth, nausea, epigastric pain, diarrhea, swelling, redness of the skin, skin rashes, itching.

Interaction - With simultaneous use of alfuzosin with calcium channel blockers, the risk of developing arterial (including orthostatic) hypertension and collapse increases. With the simultaneous use of alfuzosin with drugs for general anesthesia, the development of instability of blood pressure during anesthesia is likely. There was no clinically significant interaction of alfuzosin with warfarin, digoxin, hydrochlorothiazide, or atenolol.

Overdose - Symptoms: arterial hypotension. Treatment: administration of vasoconstrictors, solutions of high molecular weight substances that increase the volume of circulating blood; dialysis is ineffective.

Special instructions - Caution should be exercised when prescribing alfuzosin to patients with coronary artery disease. If angina pectoris worsens during therapy, the drug should be discontinued. Alfuzosin is prescribed with caution to patients over 75 years of age and to patients with severe renal impairment due to the peculiarities of pharmacokinetic parameters in these categories of patients. When taking alfuzosin and antihypertensive drugs (especially calcium channel blockers) simultaneously, it is necessary to adjust the dosage regimen of the latter due to a possible decrease in blood pressure, up to the development of collapse.

Literature - Vidal Directory, eighth edition, 2002. Encyclopedia of Medicines, 10th edition, 2003.