
Death is the cessation of vital functions. The diagnosis of death is made based on the complete cessation of heartbeat. Brain death is determined by the complete cessation of function of the centers of the brain stem that control the respiratory, pupillary, and some other vital reflexes. A declaration of brain death usually requires confirmation from two independent medical experts; Once this confirmation has been received, organs such as kidneys can be legally removed for use as a transplant while the heart is still beating (in the UK).

Death is the cessation of the vital functions of the body. The diagnosis of death is made based on the complete cessation of heartbeat. Brain death is determined by the complete cessation of function of the centers of the brain stem that control the respiratory, pupillary, and some other vital reflexes. A determination of brain death usually requires confirmation from two independent medical experts. Once this confirmation has been received, organs such as kidneys can be legally removed for use as a transplant while the heart is still beating (in the UK).

In modern times, death is not only an inevitable phenomenon, but also a complex concept that affects many aspects of life. Death means the cessation of the body's vital functions, and this phenomenon has serious significance for every person. Let's take a closer look at what death is and how it happens.

Death is defined as the complete cessation of all