
Deca-Durabolin: description, use and side effects

Deca-Durabolin (scientific name - nandrolone decanoate) is one of the most famous anabolic steroids. It was developed in the Netherlands by Organon N.V. and is sold in the form of an oil injection solution in two concentrations (25 mg/ml and 50 mg/ml). Deca-Durabolin is also produced in India from the company Organon N.V.

Deca-Durabolin is used to treat a wide range of diseases, including chronic infectious diseases, severe injuries, major surgical interventions, steroid myopathy, anemia in chronic renal failure, myelofibrosis, myelosclerosis, myeloid aplasia of the bone marrow (refractory to conventional therapy), bone marrow metastases. malignant neoplasms, myelotoxic drugs and heavy metal salts, inoperable (with metastases) breast carcinoma in postmenopausal women or after ovariectomy, as well as growth retardation in children caused by growth hormone deficiency.

However, the use of Deca-Durabolin is also associated with the risk of side effects. Men and women may experience peripheral edema, dyspeptic disorders, iron deficiency anemia, progression of atherosclerosis (increased LDL concentration and decreased HDL concentration), changes in the leukocyte formula, hypocoagulation with a tendency to bleeding, hepatonecrosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic purpura, cholestatic hepatitis and others . Women may experience virilism and hypercalcemia, and men may experience virilism, idiopathic skin hyperpigmentation, growth retardation in the prepubertal period, and others.

There are a number of contraindications to the use of Deca-Durabolin, including prostate carcinoma or hypertrophy, malignant breast tumors in men, breast carcinoma in women with hypercalcemia, pregnancy, coronary artery disease, severe atherosclerosis, heart failure and other conditions accompanied by edema syndrome, acute and chronic liver and/or kidney diseases, diabetes, epilepsy, hyperprolactinemia, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism and others.

When using Deca-Durabolin, use caution and monitor for possible side effects. The dosage and duration of treatment should comply with medical recommendations. The use of Deca-Durabolin in sports and bodybuilding without medical indications and control can lead to serious health consequences.