Deferent vesiculography

Dear readers! Today I want to tell you about such an interesting and important research method as deferentovesioculography (DIC). This method allows you to diagnose diseases of the vas deferens and scrotal organs. It is a combination of two techniques - deseriographic MRI and CT. IN

Deferentvesicography In modern urological practice *a significant place is given to methods of radiological examination of the urinary tract. These methods make it possible to diagnose developmental defects and inflammatory processes in the urinary system* [3].

**Radiation diagnostic methods in urology are divided into:**

+ x-ray (x-ray, x-ray urology) - irrigoscopy, cystography, urethrocystoscopy, anthrumoscopy, retrocystogram, scanning of the kidneys and urinary tract, excretory urography, etc.; + ultrasound (ultrasound) – ultrasound of the kidneys, bladder, prostate, ultrasound of the kidney vessels; + radionuclide (radioisotopic) – renography, nephroscintigraphy; + magnetic