Defibrillation of the Heart Spontaneous

Defibrillating electrical pulse therapy for tachycardias and bradycardias caused by organic lesions of the heart, valvular defects and cardiomyopathies.

Defibrillation (defibrillation) is a process of therapeutic exposure to an electrical impulse directed along a physiological conductor onto the myocardium, corresponding to a discharge of no higher than 300-500 J for a duration of 3 seconds at intervals of 2-3 minutes. Operate manually. Recently, a defibrillator application is more often performed, when discharges are performed remotely - either with special implantable wireless defibrillators, or defibrillators with external stimulation of cardiac activity through the skin of the chest at standard points.

Spontaneous defibrillation - “defibrillation” of a viable focus and restoration of sinus rhythm occurs regardless of the efforts of doctors. The electrical activity of the heart manifests itself after eliminating the etiological factor - for example, stopping taking glycosides. The reciprocal heartbeat is directly related to sudden tachycardia. With spontaneous defibrillation, the patient's condition resembles sudden cardiac death - ventricular fibrillation, or only rare cyanosis

In medicine, there are many treatments for various diseases that help patients live longer and feel better. One such method is spontaneous cardiac defibrillation, which is used to eliminate dangerous arrhythmias by stimulating the contraction of the heart muscle with an electrical current.

Spontaneous cardiac defibrillation is a relatively new treatment method that was developed and introduced into medical practice only a few decades ago. This method is based on the use of a special device - a defibrillator, into which an electrical impulse is introduced, which stimulates the heart muscle, which allows it to speed up and make its work more synchronous and give it the necessary impulse.

The idea is spontaneous