Degeneration of the Pancreas Fibrocystic Disease Of The Pancreas

Degeneration of the pancreas of a fibrocystic nature is a disease in which its tissue is damaged and foci of fibrosis and cysts develop. The disease is quite common and occurs among both women and men at any age. Approximately half of all patients with pancreas consult a doctor for this reason. This can manifest itself as an independent disease or as a consequence of another disease of the digestive system. Diagnosis is not difficult; there are many tests for this. Treatment is also quite simple, but depends on the degree of development and age.

Degeneration is the process of tissue destruction that can cause organs to lose their functionality. A cyst is a fluid-filled formation up to 20 centimeters in size, located next to other abdominal organs and is a compacted neoplasm on the pancreatic tissue. Such areas of compacted glandular tissue eventually grow to the size of a cyst. Pancreatic cysts