Degradation Alcoholic

Alcohol is a drug that not only destroys the body, but also leads to personality degradation. Many people believe that alcohol helps them relax, take their mind off problems and enjoy life. However, it is not. Alcoholism is a serious disease that leads to various problems in a person’s life.

First of all, alcoholism harms human health. Regular consumption of alcohol leads to the destruction of cells in the brain, liver and other organs. Alcohol can also cause various diseases, such as liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, pancreatitis and others.

In addition, alcoholism can lead to degradation of a person’s personality. Constant drinking and partying lead to a person losing control of his emotions and behavior. He begins to lose touch with reality and cannot adequately perceive the surrounding reality.

Alcoholism can also lead to various social problems. A person suffering from alcoholism may lose his job, family and


Alcohol degradation is a process of irreversible changes in the body that occur with regular alcohol consumption. It includes changes in the central nervous system, digestion, cardiovascular system and other organs.