
Greetings to all readers! In this text I would like to talk about the word "deutero", which is often found in everyday life.

The word “deutero” comes from Latin and is translated as “other”, “second in line”. In Russia, this term is most often used in biology. Moreover, the word itself also refers to an odontologist, which justifies its synonym “odontological deuteron.” Nevertheless, here we will talk simply about the meaning of the word “second” or “alternative”.

As a result, there is a science, odontology, that studies childbearing (from the Latin dentis, rodo - “tooth” and genus, “type”) teeth, which are considered active and are proposed to be considered the main teeth. This theory is based on knowledge of the words: second = second in German - Zweite = zusätzlich = zus., which is sometimes used to mean parts. Perhaps this can explain why it is still so often written about the “second tooth”, which is actually childbearing in