
Decalcification: what is it?

- The term is medical and refers to the separation of calcium salts from certain biological fluids, such as fetal amniotic fluid, blood plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, etc. - Accordingly, it occurs in pathology associated with excessive hypercalcemia, leading to an imbalance and metabolism in the tissues and organs of the body. As a result, calcification of various anatomical structures and damage to the cardiovascular system develops.

Symptoms of decalcification in clinical practice

There are many clinical signs of pathology. They depend on the area of ​​damage to the cardiovascular system and the degree of intensity of the process. There is a disturbance in the emotional state, including irritability, aggression, muscle weakness, decreased endurance, and pressure changes. Such changes are characteristic of hypercalcification of organs and tissues of the brain, heart, blood vessels and other parts of the body. It is often possible to develop cramps, headaches, a feeling of severe fatigue and weakness in the muscles. Symptoms depend on the speed of development of the pathological process. Elevated calcium levels in the blood significantly increase the risk of developing heart failure. There is an acute phase, in which the rate of damage to body tissues increases, as well as a chronic form of symptoms. The second type is more common. Their difference lies in the fact that the processes of replacement and mineralization occur slowly, over many years.

In any case, timely examination and contact with a specialist are required. Experts advise not to forget to donate blood for a detailed biochemical analysis, which allows you to identify a fairly wide range of various diseases, including pathologies of calcium metabolism.