
Dextrophoria is an unconstitutional change in the position of the eyeball. Described as oculomotor nerve palsy. The eye tilts downward due to damage to the extraocular muscles.

Accompanied by a deviation of the head in the opposite direction - there is a fixation of the gaze on a low object. This physiological disorder is associated with a decrease in the functional activity of the six-headed nerve, which controls the functioning of one of the six extraocular muscles. The main task of this muscle is to lift the brain, which controls the pupils of the eyes, upward. Therefore, when this muscle is damaged, a decrease in pupil tone is observed. The eye apparatus stops focusing the gaze at a certain distance.

**Dextrophoria** is a disorder of visual orientation when a person or animal looks at objects in front of him with two eyes differently. In most cases, there is not a deviation to the side, but a mirror rotation - the eyes, relative to the center of the head, look at right angles to each other.

What is Dextrophoria?

Dextrophoria is a condition where the eye turns inward while the head turns outward. This occurs due to a deformation or breakage of the eye that results in distorted visual images, which can cause an imbalance between the vision of the right and left eyes. As a result, one eye may see better than the other, resulting in inconsistency in vision.

Causes of Dextrophoria

There are many reasons for the manifestation of decatastrophoria. They can be caused by diseases such as astigmatism, strabismus, damage to the optic nerve, trauma and other eye disorders. The most common cause is strabismus. This diagnosis is often made in children between the ages of two and six. However, there are cases when the cause is eye disease in adults. In this condition, the eyes are not controlled effectively and the visual field is limited. Most often, people suffering from dextrophoria have problems with balance, they may also experience headaches and are often susceptible to injury from falls.

Diagnosis and treatment of Dextrophoria

Diagnosis of the condition is carried out by ophthalmologists and other specialists. To check the condition of the eye, special devices are used - spherophoria and perimeters. These devices help determine the necessary indicators that help in deciding on treatment. After diagnosis, you can decide on a treatment method. Treatment can be prescribed by a doctor