Delirium Hallucinatory

Hallucinatory delusion (Secondary hallucinatory delusion) is one of the types of delusion that occurs in the presence of very strong and persistent auditory hallucinations. Hallucinatory delusions are often found in schizophrenia, especially in the acute stages of the disease or when the disease passes into a sluggish form. Secondary forms of hallucinatory delusion have different names, such as hallucinatory-paranoid, manic-delusional and others.

Symptoms of secondary hallucinatory delusions usually appear in the form of hearing or sounding words heard through headphones or in the sense of a voice talking about something directly behind one's back. This type of delusion is usually associated with hallucinogenic drugs, alcohol use, or other mental disorders. When secondary hallucination delusions occur, a person may hear various sounds, read other people's thoughts, or even see hallucinations.