Deodorizing Products

Deodorants are substances used to prevent the formation, eliminate or weaken unpleasant odors.

Deodorants are used to combat unpleasant odors emanating from the human body, in particular from the armpits. They can be produced in various forms - sprays, creams, gels, powders. The action of deodorants is based on suppressing the vital activity of bacteria that cause the smell of sweat, or on interaction with the products of their vital activity.

Air fresheners are used to eliminate unpleasant odors in rooms. They may contain essential oils that destroy molecules of foul-smelling substances. Substances that block olfactory receptors are also used.

Other deodorizing products are used to control odors from garbage, rotting food, pets, and so on. They contain various active ingredients - from antiseptics to odor absorbers. Proper use of these drugs can effectively solve the problem of bad odors.

Deodorants and antiperspirants: functions and rules of use

Deodorization (from Latin de - absence + odor - smell) - removal of an unpleasant odor using substances that destroy the cause of its occurrence or neutralize its components. Disinfection is a chemical process that rids material of unwanted microorganisms.