Depression Grouchy

Depression grumbling Syn.: D. Grumpy

According to its clinical course, it belongs to a wide range of depressions. D. non-melancholic circle is identified in people of all ages and professions; the disease manifests itself during changes in life periods - completion, retirement, restructuring of family life. There are seasonal fluctuations in incidence - a spring-summer rise. The field of activity includes persons with a low level of education and intelligence, or professions that do not require much return and are low-paid. There may have been a hereditary burden of mental illness in both the father and mother. Symptoms increase slowly and 3 subtypes of the disease develop: - vegetative - sweating, blood pressure fluctuations; - asthenic – fatigue, poor appetite, decreased performance; - anxious - a feeling of impending disaster. Sleep disturbances, tearfulness and mood lability may occur. Manifestation D is typical when the patient does not see a way out of the current situation. He feels useless and worthless, although he makes every effort to improve his life. You need to understand that any deterioration in the condition can be stopped by seeking help from specialists.