Depression Freezing

Depressive disorder is a serious mental illness that can lead to serious health consequences, including risk of suicide and loss of interest in life. And although depression is a common illness, many people do not realize how important its treatment is and how much it can affect their quality of life. In this article, I'll talk about a form of depression that people find especially troubling.

Depression is a mental disorder characterized by a general slowness of thinking, fatigue, low self-esteem, and disturbances in the emotional background - melancholy, anxiety, restlessness, feelings of hopelessness and inferiority. Some patients may experience symptoms similar to physical and mental impairment, such as chronic headaches, fatigue, weakness and exhaustion. The person experiences suicidal thoughts and other depressive symptoms, such as loss of interest in life. However, each person can react to these symptoms differently, and even the similarity of manifestations is not a determining factor for making a diagnosis.

Depression is one of the most common mental disorders that can lead to serious consequences for a person’s health and life. Many people suffer from this disease but do not know how to fight it. In this article we will talk about “freezing depression” - one of the most severe types of depression.

Frozen depression is a type of involutional depression that is characterized by severe symptoms such as catatonia, anxiety and indifference. It usually occurs in older people and is characterized by a rapid outcome of the anxious affect and the dominance of constant indifference and inaction.

Symptoms of advanced depression may include numbness, decreased movement, mutism, sleep disturbances, anesthesia, and more. Treatment for this type of depression is very difficult and requires serious medical attention.

One of the main causes of deepening depression is a decrease in the level of the happiness hormone - dopamine. With its deficiency, symptoms such as worsening mood, loss of interest in activities, fatigue, and a feeling of emptiness occur.

Depression is a serious mental disorder that can manifest itself in various forms. One such form of depression is involutional depression, which is also known as stagnant or frozen depression.

With involutional depression, acute anxiety, rapid changes in affects and insomnia are observed, which leads to a rapid feeling of emptiness and loss of strength. This form of depression is characterized by particularly low mood, physical malaise, headaches and fatigue.

Another common form of depression is catatonia involution. Catatonia is a condition in which a person experiences disturbances in motor skills, speech and emotions. With involutional depressive symptoms, these disorders manifest themselves in the form of slowness of movement and general inactivity.

Unfortunately, involutional depressive symptoms can be very severe and lead to disruption of social connections and daily responsibilities. In this case, consultation with a psychiatrist and professional help is necessary.

It is important to note that depression is a fairly common mental health condition, but it should not be taken lightly. If you or your loved ones suspect depression, you should seek help from a specialist. Symptoms of depression may include changes in mood, lack of energy, fatigue, inconsistent thoughts and behavior, suicidal thoughts, sleep and appetite problems, and loss of interest in usual activities.

Depressive disorder can manifest differently in each person. One of these forms is frozen depression, which is sometimes also called involutional depression. This form is characterized by the presence of catatonia and rapid loss of anxious affect. Instead, persistent indifference, inactivity, bradykinesia and mutism subsequently manifest themselves.