Dermatitis Exfoliative Newborns

Neonatal exfoliative dermatitis (dermatis exfoliative neo-narum) is one of the most common skin diseases in newborns and infants. This condition occurs as a result of excess skin shedding too quickly in the first weeks of a baby's life. In this case, the newborn’s skin itself may have normal properties, but under the top layer it remains tender and thin.

Symptoms of exfoliative dermatitis of newborns appear from the birth of the child, and their appearance is associated with the period of adaptation of the body to new conditions. The first sign of dermatitis is flaky crusts on the scalp, facial skin, elbows and knees. Gradually, redness and inflammation of the skin appear, as well as a rash of blisters that turn into cracks and crusts.

The causes of exfoliative dermatitis in newborns can be different. As a rule, this is due to metabolic disorders in the baby’s body, liver dysfunction or a lack of vitamins and microelements. In addition, dermatitis can also be caused by an allergy to cosmetics, shampoos, diapers and other detergents.

Treatment of exfolitative dermatitis of newborns depends on its form and severity. Doctors usually prescribe special care for the baby's skin: cleansing the skin with a special shampoo, using creams with natural oils, creams for skin care with erythema. In some cases, drugs with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects may be used.

In case of exfoliative dermatitis of newborns, special attention should be paid to the cleanliness and moisture of the child’s skin. It is necessary to ensure that the baby does not overheat or become hypothermic. It is also recommended not to bathe your baby in very hot water, as this may make the dermatitis worse.

It is important to remember that timely detection and treatment of exfoliative dermatitis of newborns helps to avoid severe complications and reduce the risk of developing other skin diseases. Therefore, at the first signs of dermatitis in a baby, it is necessary to consult a doctor and follow all recommendations and prescriptions to maintain the health and comfort of the baby.